Current Engagement Ring Price Rule of Thumb
Spend Three Months Gross Salary Rule. This engagement ring price rule requires the proposer to buy an engagement ring worth three months of salary. To demonstrate, if the proposer makes $75,000 per year, the engagement ring should be worth $18,750. That’s quite a price tag to accompany an engagement ring. Personally, it feels like the diamond industry created this “rule” to promote their brand and push some product. It’s easy to remember, sure. It’s not easy to finance, however. And does this engagement ring rule of thumb consider total compensation? What if there’s an additional 10% bonus earned that year? Would the total ring need to be worth $20,625? If you adjust this for taxes, this reflects something closer to 1/3 of the proposer’s take home pay. If the order for financial events in marriages were reversed and you owned your home, had secure retirement funds, kids were done with college, and you had the vehicles you need, then this rule seems fine. If you’ve got everything financially taken care of and have extra money to spend, go ahead and follow this engagement ring price rule of thumb. There’s no harm in spending on the things you find worthwhile. But seeing as how time progresses chronologically, it might be best to proceed cautiously on how much you choose to spend on an engagement ring. After all, if you don’t have these things already and you have to go into debt to finance the engagement ring, I hope the recipient understands the debt will soon be shared by both people. So, if there are high expectations for the proposer to deliver an extravagant ring to demonstrate worthiness of the recipient’s affection, it should be pointed out the recipient will end up paying for the ring as well. In effect, this is like buying a gift for yourself if you both have to pay for it.
High Expectations Unavoidable? Be Smart About Buying the Ring
If you can’t avoid delivering the ring to match the three months gross salary engagement ring rule of thumb above, you’re still in luck. No one stipulated the ring had to cost three months of the proposer’s gross salary. Perhaps we could tweak the rule to fit a new requirement where it must be worth three months of salary. If we incorporate this nuance, the price tag becomes more forgiving because you can move up the value chain to a wholesaler or broker and cut out some unnecessary profit margin. This leaves more money in your pocket. Or, you could look online because the greater competition lowers prices and has a higher potential to avoid paying sales tax (10% on a $15,000 ring is a considerable expense). When I looked for my wife’s engagement ring, I looked far and wide to find a good deal on a great diamond. First, I chose to focus on the stone and would worry about the band after.
- Design your own engagement ring with loose diamonds, fancy colored diamonds or gemstones in 360° HD.
- See preset engagement rings, wedding rings and diamond jewelry.
How Much Should I Spend on an Engagement Ring? It’s the Inventory that Counts
I met with the broker about a month in advance of my intended proposal to lay out my diamond specifications. He had a few on hand, but none were the right cut. After a week, he managed to procure an oval cut diamond which met my needs. When we began discussing pricing, I couldn’t believe the markup I would have paid for a similar diamond at an in-person retailer. I saw comparable diamonds online for a bit more than I paid at my broker but they were snatched up before I could act. It is that time of year, after all. Competition is fierce. Buying online would have been a great choice if I didn’t find the perfect diamond from the broker. After choosing to move forward with the broker’s diamond I had him mount it on a simple band with a basket mount. I felt satisfied with how the process went and couldn’t have been happier with the stone I found. Going in, I felt so apprehensive about the process and scared I’d make a mistake on one of the biggest decisions of my life. Fortunately for me, after a 20-something mile, 4-day hike along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, complete with 5,000+ foot altitude changes and 30 pound packs, my wife accepted my proposal.
Don’t Skimp Out, But Don’t Go Into Debt
Engagement rings have a lot of marketing to promote them as the most important part of a proposal. And while they represent a crucial component, the most influential determinants should be how much the couple loves each other and how compatible they are over the long-term. The ring should only serve as an outward symbol of their love. If the couple feels a larger stone is necessary to accomplish this, so be it. There comes too much negative judgment with this decision. When choosing an engagement ring:
- make sure both parties are satisfied with the ring,
- don’t finance it with high-cost debt (no credit cards, please), and
- it will last a lifetime.
- Design your own engagement ring with loose diamonds, fancy colored diamonds or gemstones in 360° HD.
- See preset engagement rings, wedding rings and diamond jewelry.